Orange (O)
Color properties:
- infra-green
- Against Color: Indigo ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 210.42 Hz
- Note: Gis
- Chemical elements: Al, Sb, As, B, Ca, He, Cu, Se, Si, Xe
Color effect (s):
- Builds on the lungs, stimulates respiration. (6)
- Builds on the thyroid, this suggests. (7)
- Inhibits the thyroid. (8)
- Raises cramps and muscle spasms (antispasmodic / antispasmodic).(9)
- Stimulates the mammary glands. Dairy development it. (10)
- Stimulates the stomach. (11)
- Promotes nausea when the stomach contents is unhealthy (emetic / crowbar Promotional). (12)
- Help for flatulence and gas formation in the digestive tract (carminative / resist flatulence). (13)
- Forming bone, corrected Weichknochigkeit and rickets by calcium effect. Even with calcium-induced arrhythmia. (14)
- Stimulates tissue formation at (decongestant / resist congestion). (15)
Organ (s):
- Mammary glands (toning / stimulating)
- Bone (toning / stimulating)
- Lung (toning / stimulating)
- Stomach (toning / stimulating)
- Parathyroid glands (sedative / damping)
- Thyroid (toning / stimulating)
System reference:
- Convulsions (sedative / damping)