Scarlet (S)
Color properties:
- circulatory
- Against Color: Purple ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 194.18 + 172.06 Hz
- Rating: G + F
- Chemical elements: Ar, Dy, Er, Ho, Lu, Mn, Tm, Yb
Color effect (s):
- Stimulates kidneys and adrenal glands to. (70)
- Strengthens the function activity of the arteries. General stimulant. (71)
- Increases blood pressure. (72)
- Constricts blood vessels. (73)
- Accelerates the heart rate. (74)
- Stimulates the kidney and adrenal activity. Furthermore, the excitation of the chromaffin system: systemic front and rear. (75)
- Accelerates Fötusauspressung in Nierderkunft (abort triggering, birth accelerating). (76)
- Stimulates the emotions and emotional level. Establishes the sexual faculty on by the proliferation of stimulus sensitivity and desire, if underdeveloped (aphrodisiac). (77)
- Stimulates the reproductive system, further menstruation (Emenagogum / promoting menstruation). (78)
Organ (s):
- Arteries (toning / stimulating)
- Adrenal (toning / stimulating)
- Kidneys (toning / stimulating)
- Veins (sedative / damping)
System reference:
- Blood pressure (toning / stimulating)
- Birth (toning / stimulating)
- Sexual function (tonic / stimulating)
- Affects (toning / stimulating)