Light Green (L)
Color properties:
- infra-green
- Against Color: Turquoise ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 250.56 Hz
- Note: H
- Chemical elements: Ce, Fe, Ge, Au, Hf, I, La, Nb, P, Pr, Pa, Sm, Sc, W, Ag, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zr
Color effect (s):
- Dissolves blood clots. Creates a favorable change in relation to the metabolic processes (nutrition and recovery) during persistent (chronic) diseases (chronic Alterans / metabolism umstimmend). (22)
- Promotes expectoration of mucus and fluid from the lungs and airways.(23)
- Builds by phosphorus effect on the bone. (24)
- Stimulates the brain to. (25)
- Builds the internal mammary gland (thymus) and stimulates them to.(26)
- Stimulates the digestive system slightly (laxative / purgative). (27)
- Creates balance again after prolonged irradiation with ultra green colors. (28)
Organ (s):
- Brain (toning / stimulating)
- Bone (toning / stimulating)
- Thymus (toning / stimulating)