Plocher saltvannsstabilisering til akvarium 20g

kr 160

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Reduserer algenivået, minimerer mulig lukt, gir mindre vaskearbeid, øker akvarisk palntevekst, reduserer nitrogenkonsentrasjonen og øker vannets iboende selvrenselsesegenskaper.#Unit: 20 g

Material: Quarz powder


* Supports the intrinsic purifying powers of water
* Reduces algae to a more acceptable level
* Minimizes possible odours
* Less work cleaning
* Stimulates spawning
* Better survival of juvenile fish
* Increases the resistance to infections
* Strengthens aquatic plant growth
* Reduces nitrate concentration

Suggested application: 1 g/100 l water per week. It is important to add plocher aqua stabilizer-fresh water regularly.

Recommendation: For even better results feed plocher fish supplement in addition to conventional fish food.

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Plocher saltvannsstabilisering til akvarium 20g

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