Managing Hypertension – The HeartMath Solution
kr 150
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Grunnleggende bok om stressmestring og øvelser ved for høyt blodtrykk.#The HeartMath Approach to Managing Hypertension: The Proven, Natural Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure
by Bruce C. Wilson, MD and Doc Childre
High blood pressure is a national epidemic. It’s a condition that affects one in four Americans, most of whom have no idea they are at higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and other life threatening problems. Conventional treatments for hypertension involve drugs, and these can have considerable side effects and may not ultimately succeed in getting those numbers down. Fortunately, the Institute of HeartMath has researched techniques for managing stress and hypertension for more than fifteen years. Now, at last, these highly effective strategies for regulating blood pressure safely and effectively are available to you.
The HeartMath Program described in Dr. Bruce Wilson and Doc Childre’s new book offers a unique opportunity in the arena of stress management. Recognizing a stressful situation and taking a quick timeout to begin a simple HeartMath technique to shift your emotional attitude has a profound effect on the nervous system. It changes your physiology from a fight-or-flight stimulated state to one of calm and clarity. The simple end result is a decrease in stress hormone production with a resultant decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.
Product Details
* Paperback: 151 pages
* Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
* ISBN: 1-57224-471-2
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Managing Hypertension – The HeartMath Solution