Radonmåler Pro Radim 3 WA for professjonelt bruk, vannprøver

kr 63 000

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Nyutviklet produktRF-Analyzer kit HFE59B
Our first class HF-device including UBB antenna and accessories

This kit, based on the HF59B, offers an excellent dynamic response of approx. 93dB. The innovative functions of the basic device HF59B in combination with the broad frequency response of the UBB27 offers outstanding possibilities for the evaluation of high frequency. Its functions and features are tailored to the needs and practical experiences of the building biology. Due to its comparably low price, it is often also used for scientific and industrial purposes, especially in the sector of EMVU and product development (precompliance).

Set offer consisting of the HF59B and a wide range of accessories:

* Horizontal isotropic ultra broad bandwidth antenna UBB27_G3 from 27 MHz up to beyond 3.3 GHz (limited by the frequency response of the HF59B)
* 800 MHz high pass filter HP800_G3 for the suppression of low frequencies when measuring with the log.-per. antenna of the HF59B
* High frequency preamplifier HV10_27G3. Increases the measurement range by10 dB (by a factor of 10) – important when wanting to reduce the increased noise background in the radar or UMTS/3G-mode
* Attenuator DG20_G3: increases the maximum measurable value by 20 dB (or by a factor of 100) to 1,999 mW/m² (= 1.999 W/m²)
* Plastic case K2 (not illustrated) : with shaped foam filler for a safe transportation of all components. Offers enough space for yet another Gigahertz Solutions measuring device (high frequency or low frequency).
* Technical Data

Frequency Range: 27 MHz – far above 3.3 GHz
Measurement Range: Power flux density: 0,001 – 1.999.000 uW/m² (i.e. 1 nanoW/m² nominal displayresolution to 1,999 W/m², when using the included amplifier and attenuator)
Accuracy: Basic accuracy including linearity tolerance : +/- 3dB
Zero offset and rollover +/- 5 digits
Sensor: 2 antennas:
Optimised logarithmic periodic antenna with frequeny compensation directly on the antenna: Less ripple, better directionality, improved shielding vs. Ground, continous LED-monitoring of quality of connections
Quasiisotropic ultrabroadband ante
Audio Analysis: Identification of pulsed radiation sources (mobile radio (GSM, UMTS/G3), cordless telephones (DECT), WLAN (Bluetooth), air-traffic control-radar) by means of an acoustic signal proportional to the modulation frequency
Stromversorgung: Recharchable highpower 9.6 Volt NiMH batterypack inside the meter
Average operation time: 7 – 8 hours
Low Batt. Indication
AC-adaptor for charging and long-term-operation included
Signal Rating: Display of peak value, peak hold as well as average value (switchable)
A quantitative differentiation between pulsed and un-pulsed radiation – a unique feature within the broadband measuring technology
Outputs: A calibrated extra AC-measurement output for the demodulated signal, and a scalable DC-output
Further Questions: 2 years warranty

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Categories: SKU: GT_RADIM_3W


Radonmåler Pro Radim 3 WA for professjonelt bruk, vannprøver

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