PRiSMA® CHAKRA veksel–Sett, 7 farger
kr 2 290
SpektroChrom CHAKRA vekselsett MURNAU
- 1 perle sølv ramme
- 7 par utskiftbare linser: rød, oransje, gul, grønn, blå, indigo, magenta
- 1 neoprenbrillelomme med oppbevaringsrom for de enkelte linsene
- 1 mikrofiber rengjøringsklut
Lys i forskjellige bølgelengder, eller farger, påvirker hormonsystemet og derfor humøret, fokusevne og energinivået.
15 min. pr. dag er nok; du velger den fargen du ønsker/trenger, har den på i 15 min. mens du ser inn i et godt, hvitt lys. Dagslys er best, deretter en glødepære eller halogen. Unngå LED, sparepærer og lysstoffrør.
Endelig i butikken: Spectro–Chrome briller! Enkle å bruke – 15 minutter en eller to ganger om dagen er nok til å gi kroppen impulser som normaliserer og harmoniserer fysiologiske prosesser. Mens klassisk Spectro-Chrome tonation2 krever et lysapparat og et varmt rom, er du mer selvstendig med Spectro-Chrome briller som kan brukes praktisk talt når som helst, hvor som helst. .
Helse er et resultat av et godt koordinert rytmisk samspill mellom det parasympatiske nervesystemet, med sin avslappende og regenererende effekt, og det sympatiske nervesystemet, med sine aktivering stimulerende effekter. Disse to antagonistiske enhetene danner det autonome nervesystemet og kan bli påvirket av farget lys – bare gjennom øynene dine!
PRiSMA® Color glasses sets finnes i flere varianter:
PRiSMA® Spektro-Chrom 12 Fargebrille-Sett:
12 Briller med farget filterglass: Rød (R), Orange (O), Gul (Y), Gulgrønn (L), Grønn(G), Turkis (T), Blå(B), Indigo (I), Violett (V), Purpur (V), Magenta (M), Skarlagensrød (S). 1 Mikrofiberveske. - PRiSMA® CHAKRA veksel–Sett:
1 Brilleramme pearl silver; 7 par vekselglass: Rød, orange, gul, grønn,blå, indigo, violett; 1 Neopren-Brilleveske med oppbevaringsrom for de enkelte glassene. 1 Microfiber-rengjøringsduk -
PRiSMA® Spektro-Chrom 12 Fargebrille Deluxe-Sett: 12 Briller med farget filterglass: Rød (R), Orange (O), Gul (Y), Gulgrønn (L), Grønn(G), Turkis (T), Blå(B), Indigo (I), Violett (V), Purpur (V), Magenta (M), Skarlagensrød (S). Brillekoffert, plansje, bok «Es werde Licht», Koherens-CD, 1 microfiberveske.
PRiSMA® Spektro-Chrom 12 Fargebrille med bærekoffert-Sett: 1 Brilleramme pearl silver; 7 par vekselglass: Rød, orange, gul, grønn,blå, indigo, violett; 1 Neopren-Brilleveske med oppbevaringsrom for de enkelte glassene. 1 Microfiber-rengjøringsduk
Fargebriller CLASSIC
Spektro-Chrom er en helhetlig tilnærming til helsegevinst, der ulike organer og fysiologiske funksjoner er knyttet til bestemte farger. Disse fargene kan bidra til å harmonisere og normalisere kroppen.
Fargenes virkninger:
Yellow (Y)
Color properties:
- infra-green
- Against Colour: Purple ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 234.16 Hz
- Note: Ais
- Chemical elements: Be, Ir, C, Mg, Mo, Na, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, W, Sn
Color effect (s):
- Excites the motor nerve system that activates the muscles. Builds on the nerves of the motor and sensory nervous system. (16)
- Stimulates the lymphatic system. (17)
- Stimulates the intestinal tract, the pancreas and the production of digestive juices to – bile acid, hydrochloric acid, etc. (digestive / digestive Cholagogum / cholagogue.). (18)
- Increased stool frequency (Karthartikum / laxative). (19)
- Inhibits, soothes the spleen. Brightening mind for depression and melancholy. About the portal circulation creates balance (spleen, liver).(20)
- Expels worms and parasites. (21)
Organ (s):
- Spleen (sedative / damping)
- Pancreas (pancreatic) (toning / stimulating)
- Intestinal tract (toning / stimulating)
- Lymphatic System (toning / stimulating)
- Motor system (toning / stimulating)
Green (G)
Color properties:
- neutral
- Against Colour: Magenta ☀ ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (ies): 136.1 Hz
- Note: Cis
- Chemical elements: Ba, Cl, R, N, Te, Tl
Color effect (s):
- Cerebral creates balance. For physical balance: systemic front. (29)
- Stimulates the pituitary gland. Creating balance. (30)
- Stimulates the muscle and tissue regeneration. (31)
- Destroys micro-organisms, germs, bacteria. Clean and zerfallshindernd (germicide, bactericide, antiseptic, disinfectant). (32)
Organ (s):
- Body (harmonizing)
- Brain (harmonizing)
- Pituitary (harmonizing)
Blue (B)
Color properties:
- ultra-green
- Against Color: Red ☀
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 149.74 Hz
- Note: D
- Chemical elements: Cs, In, O
Color effect (s):
- Hift against itching and irritation in the abraded surfaces (antipruritic / or stimulus-antipruritic). (37)
- Promotes sweating (diaphoretic / sweaty). (38)
- Light sedative (calming). Moderate or eliminate fever and inflammation (antipyretic / antipyretic, Antiphogistikum / anti-inflammatory). (39)
- Stimulates the pineal gland. Power and strengthens the vital life force.(40)
Organ (s):
- Pineal gland (toning / stimulating)
System reference:
- Sweating (toning / stimulating)
- Fever (sedative / damping)
- Itching (sedative / damping
Indigo (I)
Color properties:
- ultra-green
- Against Color: Orange ☀
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 157.04 Hz
- Rating: B
- Chemical elements: Bi, Pb, Po, Th
Color effect (s):
- Builds on the parathyroid gland and stimulates them to. (41)
- Inhibits and soothes the thyroid gland. (42)
- Soothes breathing. (43)
- Causes contraction (astringent). Fights abscesses. Decreased excretion / secretion (pus-inflammatory). Stops secretions and bleeding. (44)
- Promotes the formation of phagocytes and macrophages that remove harmful microorganisms. (45)
- Inhibits mammary glands, reduced milk flow (Antigalaktagogum). (46)
- Relieves pain and reduces agitation and hyperactivity. Absorbent and soothing (sedative). (47)
Organ (s):
- Mammary glands (sedative / damping)
- Parathyroid glands (toning / stimulating)
- Phagocytes (toning / stimulating)
- Thyroid (sedative / damping)
System reference:
- Breathing (sedative / damping)
- Pain (sedative / damping)
- Milk flow (sedative / damping)
Violet (V)
Color properties:
- ultra-green
- Against Yellow ☀
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 172.06 Hz
- Rating: F
- Chemical elements: Ac, Co, Ga, Rn
Color effect (s):
- Open to spleen and stimulates them to. (48)
- Reduces muscle activity, heart included. (49)
- For the inhibition of lymph glands: systemic front. To inhibit the pancreas. (50)
- Decreases the activity of the nervous system (tranquilizers / calming).(51)
- Promotes the formation of leukocytes or white blood cells. (52)
Organ (s):
- Pancreas (pancreatic) (sedative / damping)
- Heart (sedative / damping)
- Leukocytes (toning / stimulating)
- Lymph glands (sedative / damping)
- Spleen (toning / stimulating)
- Nervous system (sedative / damping)
System reference:
- Muscle activity (sedative / damping)
Red (R)
Color properties:
- infra-green
- Against Color: Blue ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 194.18 Hz
- Rating: G
- Chemical elements: Cd, Kr, Ne, H
Color effect (s):
- Stimulates the sensory nervous system that the five sense organs activated: the eyes, ears, touch, taste, smell. (1)
- Builds on the liver, this suggests. (2)
- Makes platelets and blood pigment (hemoglobin). (3)
- Provides rapid expulsion of debris (tissue debris) through the skin. May cause skin redness or itching or pimples until the cleaning process is completed (irritant, irritant, Pustulans). (4)
- Antidote for burns caused by X-rays, ultraviolet rays, etc. (5)
Organ (s):
- Platelets (toning / stimulating)
- Erythrocytes (toning / stimulating)
- Liver (toning / stimulating)
- Spleen (sedative / damping)
- Sensory nervous system (toning / stimulating)
Orange (O)
Color properties:
- infra-green
- Against Color: Indigo ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 210.42 Hz
- Note: Gis
- Chemical elements: Al, Sb, As, B, Ca, He, Cu, Se, Si, Xe
Color effect (s):
- Builds on the lungs, stimulates respiration. (6)
- Builds on the thyroid, this suggests. (7)
- Inhibits the thyroid. (8)
- Raises cramps and muscle spasms (antispasmodic / antispasmodic).(9)
- Stimulates the mammary glands. Dairy development it. (10)
- Stimulates the stomach. (11)
- Promotes nausea when the stomach contents is unhealthy (emetic / crowbar Promotional). (12)
- Help for flatulence and gas formation in the digestive tract (carminative / resist flatulence). (13)
- Forming bone, corrected Weichknochigkeit and rickets by calcium effect. Even with calcium-induced arrhythmia. (14)
- Stimulates tissue formation at (decongestant / resist congestion). (15)
Organ (s):
- Mammary glands (toning / stimulating)
- Bone (toning / stimulating)
- Lung (toning / stimulating)
- Stomach (toning / stimulating)
- Parathyroid glands (sedative / damping)
- Thyroid (toning / stimulating)
System reference:
- Convulsions (sedative / damping)