Skjermende stoff, gjennomsiktig SILVER DREAM HF/LF 1,45 m

kr 998

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Sterkt skjermende, halvtransparent og glitrende vev, tynn og myk, antiseptisk. Med et tynt sølvlag på utsiden, veldig lett og dermed spesielt godt egnet på reiser, mot høy frekvent og  lav frekvent (50dB)
Silver dream er særdeles godt skjermende og egner seg godt som gjennomsiktig skjermingsstoff foran vinduet eller til baldakin.


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Categories: Tags: , , , , SKU: Y_SILVER-TULLE


SILVER DREAM is a semi-transparent silvered fabric for the protection against high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency radiation (LF). Typical application as net curtain, as room divider in laboratorys, medical practices, etc. and due to the highest washability to sew a bed canopy.

Special feature: By comparison to its predecessors (Curtain, Dali) this fabric dont loose its screening attenuation while washing or movement, due to a better silvering process.

High transparency at very high screening attenuation
Antiseptic due to the full silver plating
Contactable (groundable) to shield LF electric fields
Textile similar characteristics: Washable, easy to process. Exception: Do not iron.
Very crease resistant
Quality grade: Very high

Technical data

Width: 150 cm, +/- 2 cm
Length: Available by the meter
Attenuation: 50 dB at 1 GHz
Color: Silver-beige.
Raw materials: 80 % nylon, 20 % silver
Weight: 40 g/m²
Dimension stability: +/- 1 %
Surface conductivity: 0.8 ohm / inch (2.54 cm)



Due to the surface conductivity this fabric can be grounded to shield low frequency (LF) electric fields. For professional grounding we recommend our Grounding-Plug EST.

Shielding attenuation

The shielding attenuation is regularly tested by Professor Dipl.Ing. Pauli at the Microwave Laboratory of the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich due to the standards ASTM D4935-99 and/or MIL-Standard 285. The line in the diagram stands for the radial direction of polarisation (both directions, horizontal/vertical) and indicates the attenuation achievable in practice.

Spesielle produkter er unntatt returrett: klær, tilklippet vindusfolie etc.


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