Målekoffert MK20 (ME3080 & HF 35 C (høy- og lavfrekvent)

kr 7 400

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Målekoffert MK20 (ME3080 & HF 35 C (høy- og lavfrekvent)

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Den mest solgte kombinasjonen for lav- og høyfrekvent måling ti redusert pris; de beste av de rimelige apparatene, lett å håndtere, i en stabil koffert. Alt du trenger for vanlige målinger.
# Electrosmog measuring kit MK20 for an easy evaluation of your personal exposure Combines all common advantages.
– Contains the instruments ME3830B and HF35C.
– Allows an easy evaluation of the personal exposure to HF and LF electrosmog according to the guidelines and recommended safe values of the Standard of Building Biology Measuring Techniques (© Maes, IBN).
– The HF-device includes the very useful feature of an acoustic analysis for a reliable identification of the various pulsed HF sources, and the LF-device has an extended frequency range designed to also measure the artificial harmonics.
– For detailed specifications of the devices please refer to the respective product descriptions.

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