Green (G)
Color properties:
- neutral
- Against Colour: Magenta ☀ ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (ies): 136.1 Hz
- Note: Cis
- Chemical elements: Ba, Cl, R, N, Te, Tl
Color effect (s):
- Cerebral creates balance. For physical balance: systemic front. (29)
- Stimulates the pituitary gland. Creating balance. (30)
- Stimulates the muscle and tissue regeneration. (31)
- Destroys micro-organisms, germs, bacteria. Clean and zerfallshindernd (germicide, bactericide, antiseptic, disinfectant). (32)
Organ (s):
- Body (harmonizing)
- Brain (harmonizing)
- Pituitary (harmonizing)