Color properties:
- infra-green
- Against Color: Blue ☾
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 194.18 Hz
- Rating: G
- Chemical elements: Cd, Kr, Ne, H
Color effect (s):
- Stimulates the sensory nervous system that the five sense organs activated: the eyes, ears, touch, taste, smell. (1)
- Builds on the liver, this suggests. (2)
- Makes platelets and blood pigment (hemoglobin). (3)
- Provides rapid expulsion of debris (tissue debris) through the skin. May cause skin redness or itching or pimples until the cleaning process is completed (irritant, irritant, Pustulans). (4)
- Antidote for burns caused by X-rays, ultraviolet rays, etc. (5)
Organ (s):
- Platelets (toning / stimulating)
- Erythrocytes (toning / stimulating)
- Liver (toning / stimulating)
- Spleen (sedative / damping)
- Sensory nervous system (toning / stimulating)