Turquoise (T)
Color properties:
- ultra-green
- Against Yellow Green ☀
Color analogies:
- Tone frequency (s): 141.27 Hz
- Note: Cis / D
- Chemical elements: Cr, F, Ni, Nb, Hg, Zn, Ta,
Color effect (s):
- Creates a favorable change in terms of metabolic processes. Nutrition and recovery in emerging (acute) diseases (acute Alterans / metabolism umstimmend). (33)
- Dampens brain activity (34)
- Skin Tonic (skin tonic). Formation of burned skin (Antipyrotikum). (35)
- To balance after extended exposure to infra-green colors. (36)
Organ (s):
- Brain (sedative / damping)
- Skin (toning / stimulating)