Twinkle contains Aloe arborescens whole leaf and dry organic liquor.
Indicated for those suffering from poor tolerability
sugars or honey and for
who should stick to a diet for reasons of
Promotes detoxification.
It favors the elimination of toxins.
It helps the intestinal transit.
Regulates the digestive function and liver.
Twinkle is a preparation totally natural.
It has a base composition with 98% of Aloe arborescens, a mixture alchemically processed, according to the famous MEOTODO ANGEL ARIEL.
Product Certificate VeganOk
No substance / part used for the realization of certified products VeganOK is of animal origin or involves for its extraction / machining procedures that entail directly the exploitation of animals.
For more indications on substances / materials permits or explicitly prohibited and for other clarifications relative this aspect, refer to the “Disciplinare VeganOK” consultable in updated version on the site
Aware of the fact that the current legislation European (only within cosmetic) imposes the obligation to animal experimentation on all substances non-herbal from part of who produces them, in waiting and hope that such legislation from being changed, as regards the our operated and what on which we can have control and decision-making power (in the fields not cosmetics where experimentation animal is allowed), we guarantee that for no substance or material used for the realization of certified products VeganOK, were from us commissioned test or procedures that have entailed the direct exploitation of animals and that none procedure test or control on the finished product have entailed directly at no stage the exploitation of animals.
Le substances used in the certified products VeganOK NOT come from cultivations of adjusted plant genetically. In the case of use of substances derived from corn and soja, vegetable in which is particularly present to the genetic manipulation, the origin non transgenic has been verified with particular attention.
E ‘been implemented a reduction policy packaging used for the packaging, as well as for everything related the impact product’s environmental all over the own life cycle.