Vindusfolie RDF 72 PREMIUM 1,52m Bredde lm


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Toppmodellen: RDF 72 PREMIUM (ekstrem sterk skjerming, slipper allikevel mye lys gjennom)    Dette produktet er det beste alternativet, på alle måter: Mest skjerming OG best lysgjennomslipp    Edelmetall  i 12 ulike lag – røkfarget  Dempning 34 dB (dvs. 9).


Categories: SKU: Y_RDF72-PREMIUM


Dette produktet er det beste alternativet, på alle måter: Mest skjerming OG best lysgjennomslipp    Edelmetall  i 12 ulike lag – røkfarget  Dempning 34 dB (dvs. 99,96 %)   ved 200 MHz – 10 GHz  Bredde 152 cm, tykkelse 37,5 ?m  Synlig lysgjennomsipp 72 % . Metervare

Info English:
Precious-metal coated and self-adhesive film for shielding of windows  and glass surfaces from high-frequency radiation (HF). Exclusive for indoor application on non heat-absorbing glass. Our recommendation: Premium-foil consisting of 12 metal layers for highest demands with an unrivaled attentuation and a very high degree of light transmission.

Technical data:

* Width: 152 cm.
* Length: Linear meter.
* Attenuation 32 dB (99.94 % shielding effectiveness) at 1 GHz, see diagram for all frequencies in the image above. Attenuation certified by Prof. Dipl.-Ing. P. Pauli of the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich, Germany according MIL-STD 285 and IEEE-Standard 299-1997.
* Light transmission: 72 %.
* Color of daylight: Very light green.
* Indoor application, predominantly on glass surfaces but also on doors and other level surfaces.
* Mounting: Water-activated, pressure-sensitive adhesive to the back.
* Material thickness: 75 µm.
* Only for indoor application on non heat absorbing glass surfaces! Background: Heat-absorbing glass is already metallized. When solar radiation permeates the metallization and subsequently hits the window foil, multi reflections may occur. The windowpane will needlessly heat up and thus by expansion cause leaks or even cracks in the border-seals. Check the type of glass in advance!

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