Ralph Raphael Kleimann

Ralph Raphael Kleimann is entrepreneur, therapist and network builder, with a broad academic background. He grew up on a farm, is a teacher from Germany, language forms (artistic and therapeutic use of language) from Switzerland and has also studied in the United States, Italy, Greece and Norway. Raphael is a graduate unit therapist (with Dr. Audun Myskja). He has worked as a therapist, teacher and tree care, with a huge commitment to agriculture. In 2000 he started research initiative fiaba about flower essences, which has since led to the development of BALDRON Mistel-Three essences. Because of his power sensitivity, he has since 2008 developed firm BALDRON to the only complete supplier of measuring instruments and protection against electromagnetic radiation (see emf-norge.no). Raphael is often used as a speaker and specially engaged in the organization of seminars, symposia and educational programs organized by BALDRON Nonprofit Association baldron.org (see also El-Symposium Wireless Humanity, Water Symposium water2012.no and Building Biology husoghelse.no). Ralph Raphael and Marianne are partners in life and in a variety of cultural and educational initiatives. The two share a love for Rudolf Steiner spiritual science.
Marianne Kleimann Sevåg

Marianne Kleimann Sevåg


Marianne Kleimann Sevåg is therapist and entrepreneur. She has worked as a teacher for 28 years, both in lower and upper secondary level, children step and kindergarten, roughly in that order, moreover with students and adults. She has been involved in efforts to retain six year olds in kindergarten, and published in that regard the book “amputee childhood” in 1992. In recent years she has worked increasingly in the therapeutic field, with unit therapy, bath therapy and counseling. She has been involved in educational development and research, including with a Masters in Environmental educaton. She has given numerous lectures and seminars, and is also the initiator of the creation of Jordsamvirket and Black Earth Fund, see www.freearth.org. Marianne is beside the educational and therapeutic particularly concerned everything that grows, of landscape development, agriculture and ecological houses, children and toddlers families situation in general.

Ingelin Sevåg Vestly


Ingelin Sevåg Vestly graduated eurythmist, further studies in pedagogy, theology and art. Ingelin coordinate work with environmental medicine by Dr. Klinghardt. She takes care of education and treatment for cleansing and therapy, including cooperation with the healer Renzo Celani. And all this while she further educate themselves to homeopath and nutrition consultant and beside his little cottage farm with horses, sheep, chickens and herbs.